Preparing for a CQC Inspection for Managers - Online Course - Level 3

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    Preparing for a CQC Inspection for Managers - Level 3 – Online Training Course - CPDUK Accredited.

    Preparing for a CQC Inspection for Managers - E - Learning Courses - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

    Welcome to The Mandatory Training Group's online Preparing for a CQC Inspection for Managers training course. All our online training courses, programmes and qualifications are accredited by the CPD Certification Service (CPDUK).

    We developed this online Preparing for a CQC Inspection for Managers training course to help health and social care providers prepare for CQC inspections. Organisations can use these inspections to demonstrate that they deliver safe, efficient, and compassionate care.

    Organisations have different ways to prepare for CQC inspections. However, it is always best to work to a high standard rather than 'polish up' just for an inspection.

    This online Preparing for a CQC Inspection for Managers training course emphasises the need for careful preparation and planning to demonstrate a consistently outstanding quality of care. It covers the necessary preparation required for a CQC inspection and looks at how to embed quality culture within the organisation.

    Course content

    This online Preparing for a CQC Inspection for Managers training course includes the following:

    • Introduction
    • Section 1 - Health and social care regulation
    • Section 2 - The CQC inspection regime
    • Section 3 - The CQC inspection
    • Section 4 - Communicating with CQC inspectors
    • Section 5 - What happens after a CQC inspection?
    • Summary
    • References and resources.

    Who is the course for?

    This Preparing for a CQC Inspection for Managers e-learning course is suitable for the following:

    • Managers
    • Health and social care providers
    • Adult social care providers.

    Course aims

    The aim of this online Preparing for a CQC Inspection for Managers training course is to introduce learners to the Care Quality Commission’s regulatory framework so that they can apply them within their work settings.

    Learning objectives

    On completion of this online Preparing for a CQC Inspection for Managers training course, the learner will be able to:

    • Explain the importance of preparing for CQC inspections.
    • Provide an overview of the key health and social care legislation and regulations.
    • Describe the CQC regulatory and inspection framework.
    • Identify effective ways to communicate with CQC inspectors.
    • Describe what happens after a CQC inspection.

    Learning outcomes

    On completion of this online Preparing for a CQC Inspection for Managers training course, the learner will be able to:

    • Describe the significance of CQC inspections.
    • List the key health and social care legislation and regulations.
    • Describe how the CQC key lines of enquiry are applied in practice.
    • Describe how an organisation can prepare for a CQC inspection.
    • Explain your responsibilities during CQC inspections.
    • Describe what happens during a CQC inspection.
    • Identify the sources of evidence that inspectors may examine.
    • Explain how managers and staff can communicate effectively with CQC inspectors.
    • Describe what happens after a CQC inspection.
    • Identify where to find information regarding how to prepare for CQC inspections.

    Preparing for a CQC Inspection for Managers - Level 3 - E-Learning Courses - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

    Preparing for a CQC Inspection for Managers - Level 3 – Online Training Course - CPDUK Accredited.


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