Early Years and Childcare eLearning Courses & Training - ComplyPlus LMS™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Early Years and Childcare eLearning Courses & Training

In the UK, early years and childcare encompass the provision of education and care for children from birth to five years old. This vital sector includes various settings like nurseries, pre-schools, childminders, and early years provisions within schools. Governed by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, these services ensure high standards of learning, development, and care for young children.

The EYFS framework outlines seven key areas of learning, including communication and language, physical development, and personal, social, and emotional development. Regulatory bodies like Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills) in England monitor and inspect early years providers to maintain quality standards and ensure the well-being and progress of children. Early education and childcare play a crucial role in supporting children's early development and preparing them for future learning and success. #EarlyYearsEducation

Early Years and Childcare eLearning Courses & Training - ComplyPlus LMS™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Discover our comprehensive range of online early years and childcare courses on ComplyPlus LMS™

Early years and childcare courses & training

In the UK, various courses and training programs are available for early years and childcare professionals to enhance their skills and knowledge. These courses cover topics such as child development, safeguarding, curriculum planning, and implementing the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework.

Training providers offer qualifications ranging from certificates to diplomas and degrees, catering to individuals at different stages of their careers. Accredited courses ensure that practitioners are equipped with the necessary expertise to provide high-quality care and education to young children, meeting the standards set by regulatory bodies like Ofsted. Continuous professional development is essential in this field to stay updated with best practices and legislative changes. #ChildcareTraining

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Key definitions

  • Early Years and Childcare - Refers to providing education, care, and development opportunities for children from birth to age five.
  • Early Education and Childcare - Encompasses the educational and care aspects provided to young children in their early years, typically before they reach compulsory school age.
  • EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) - The statutory framework in England that sets standards for children's learning, development, and care from birth to five years old. It outlines seven areas of learning and development, along with welfare requirements to ensure high-quality provision.
  • Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) - The set of standards and guidelines that early years providers in England must follow to ensure that children receive high-quality education and care.
  • Childcare and Early Years - An umbrella term encompassing the range of services and provisions catering to the needs of young children, including education, care, and development opportunities provided by various settings such as nurseries, pre-schools, childminders, and early years provisions within schools. #EYFSFramework
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    Legislation, regulations and expert guidance

    The key legislation, regulations, and expert guidance for early years and childcare in the UK include the latest version of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, which sets out statutory requirements for early years providers. Additionally, the Childcare Act 2006 and its subsequent amendments outline legal responsibilities related to childcare provision, including registration and inspection by regulatory bodies such as Ofsted. Expert guidance from organisations like the Department for Education (DfE) and professional associations like the National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) also inform practice and support continuous improvement in early years settings. #ChildDevelopment

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    Regulatory and professional bodies

    In the UK, regulatory bodies overseeing early years and childcare include Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills) in England, the Care Inspectorate in Scotland, the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW), and the Education and Training Inspectorate in Northern Ireland.

    These bodies are responsible for inspecting and regulating early years settings to ensure compliance with statutory requirements and maintaining high standards of care and education. Additionally, professional bodies such as the National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) and the Early Years Alliance provide support, resources, and guidance to practitioners and organisations in the early years sector. #ChildcareRegulations

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    Relevant national occupational standards

    The UK's relevant National Occupational Standards (NOS) for early years and childcare encompasses a range of competencies and skills required for practitioners in this sector. These standards outline best practices in areas such as child development, safeguarding, communication, and partnership working with families.

    They ensure that early years professionals have the necessary knowledge and capabilities to deliver high-quality care and education to young children. NOS are regularly updated to reflect changes in legislation, research, and emerging best practices, providing a framework for training, qualifications, and professional development in the early years and childcare workforce. #EarlyYearsPractitioner

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    CQC key questions and fundamental standards

    For early years and childcare providers in England, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) assesses services based on five key questions:

    • Is the service safe?
    • Is the service effective?
    • Is the service caring?
    • Is the service responsive to people's needs?
    • Is the service well-led?

    These key questions align with the CQC's fundamental standards, which set out the minimum requirements that providers must meet to ensure care safety, quality, and effectiveness. Compliance with these standards is essential for early years and childcare settings to maintain registration and operate legally in England. #ChildSafeguarding

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    Ofsted standards

    Ofsted emphasises the importance of staff training in childcare and early years settings. They recognise that well-trained staff are crucial for providing high-quality care and education to young children. Ofsted expects staff to have appropriate qualifications, skills, and knowledge to support children's learning and development effectively. They assess the quality of staff training during inspections, looking at whether staff receive regular training and development opportunities to keep their knowledge and practice up to date. Ofsted also considers how staff training improves children's outcomes, including their safety, well-being, and learning experiences within early years and childcare settings. #EarlyLearning

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    Aims, objectives and learning outcomes

    This early years and childcare course aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, practices, and regulations governing the sector. These aims focus on fostering a deeper appreciation of the importance of early childhood development and the role of caregivers in supporting children's holistic growth and well-being.

    Objectives for the course include engaging participants in interactive learning activities, such as case studies, discussions, and practical exercises, to explore key concepts and methodologies. Through these activities, participants will develop practical skills and knowledge necessary for effective practice in early years and childcare settings. Additionally, the course objectives aim to encourage critical thinking and reflection on current issues and best practices in the field.

    The course's learning outcomes are specific and measurable achievements that participants are expected to demonstrate by the course's conclusion. These outcomes may include applying theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios, demonstrating competency in implementing the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, and critically evaluating the impact of policies and regulations on early years practice. Overall, the course aims to equip participants with the necessary competencies and confidence to excel in their roles within the early years and childcare sector, ultimately benefiting the children under their care. #ChildcareBestPractices

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    Why are early years and childcare training courses important?

    Early years and childcare training courses are vital as they equip practitioners with the essential knowledge, skills, and understanding needed to provide high-quality care and education to young children. These courses ensure practitioners are well-prepared to support children's development, safety, and well-being effectively.

    Training enhances practitioners' ability to implement best practices, comply with regulatory requirements such as the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), and adapt to evolving needs and challenges in the sector. Ultimately, well-trained practitioners contribute to positive outcomes for children, promoting their physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development during this crucial stage of life. #EarlyYearsSettings

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    Early years and childcare distance learning courses & training

    Early years and childcare distance learning courses provide flexible and accessible training opportunities for individuals aspiring to work in or already employed in the sector. These courses cover essential topics such as child development, safeguarding, and curriculum planning, aligning with the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework.

    Through online platforms, participants can access course materials, lectures, and assessments remotely, allowing them to study independently and fit learning around other commitments. Distance learning courses often incorporate interactive elements, virtual workshops, and tutor support to facilitate engagement and enhance understanding, preparing learners for successful careers in early years and childcare. #ChildDevelopmentMilestones

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    Early years and childcare online training courses

    Early years and childcare online training courses offer convenient and accessible options for individuals seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge in the field. These courses cover a wide range of topics relevant to early childhood development, including the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, child safeguarding, and pedagogical approaches.

    Through interactive modules, videos, and quizzes, participants can engage with course material at their own pace from any location with internet access. Online training courses often provide certification upon completion, validating learners' competencies and facilitating career advancement in the early years and childcare sector. #EarlyYearsCurriculum

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    Free Early Years and Childcare E-Learning courses & training

    Free early years and childcare e-learning courses offer accessible and cost-effective training options for individuals interested in entering or advancing in the field. These courses cover essential topics such as child development, health and safety, and effective communication, aligning with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework and regulatory requirements.

    Accessible online platforms provide flexibility for learners to study at their own pace from any location with internet access. Free courses often include interactive modules, quizzes, and resources to enhance learning experiences and facilitate skill development. By offering free e-learning opportunities, organisations aim to promote continuous professional development and improve the quality of early years and childcare provision. #OfstedInspection

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    Early years and childcare train the trainer eLearning courses & training

    Early years and childcare train-the-trainer e-learning courses provide educators and practitioners with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively train others in the sector. These courses cover instructional design, facilitation techniques, and strategies for delivering engaging and effective training sessions. Participants learn how to adapt content to various learning styles, assess trainee progress, and provide constructive feedback.

    Trainees can access resources, case studies, and interactive activities through online platforms to enhance their understanding and practice. Train-the-trainer e-learning courses empower educators to cascade their expertise and contribute to the continuous professional development of early years and childcare practitioners, ultimately improving outcomes for children. #ChildcareLegislation

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    Early years and childcare on ComplyPlus LMS™

    The Mandatory Training Group is a leading UK provider of accredited early years and childcare courses and training available on ComplyPlus LMS™. Here are the top 25 training courses related to childcare and early years in the UK:

    • Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Workforce (Early Years Educator)
    • Safeguarding Children Training
    • Pediatric First Aid Training
    • Understanding the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
    • Managing Challenging Behaviour in Early Years Settings
    • Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
    • Child Development and Attachment Training
    • Effective Communication with Children and Families
    • Promoting Positive Behaviour in Early Years Settings
    • Early Childhood Nutrition and Healthy Eating
    • Observation, Assessment, and Planning in Early Years Settings
    • Outdoor Play and Learning Training
    • Supporting Speech, Language, and Communication Development
    • Managing Health and Safety in Early Years Settings
    • Understanding Child Protection and Safeguarding
    • Promoting Physical Development in Early Years
    • Creative Arts and Crafts for Early Years
    • Introduction to Montessori Education
    • Managing Transitions in Early Years Settings
    • Promoting Inclusive Practice in Early Years Education
    • Managing Children's Behaviour Training
    • Introduction to Forest School Principles
    • Understanding Playwork Principles
    • Supporting Children's Emotional Well-being
    • Early Years Leadership and Management Training

    These courses cover a range of essential topics and skills required for working effectively in early years and childcare settings in the UK. #ProfessionalDevelopment

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    Professional body recommendations and published best practice guidance

    Professional recommendations and published best practice guidance relevant to early years and childcare training courses include advice from professional bodies such as the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the British Association for Early Childhood Education (BAECE), and the Early Years Alliance.

    Additionally, guidance from government agencies like the Department for Education (DfE) and Ofsted provides essential frameworks and standards. Published peer-reviewed literature in journals such as Early Childhood Research Quarterly and the Journal of Early Childhood Education offers evidence-based insights into effective teaching practices, child development theories, and policy implications for the early years sector. #ChildcareProvider

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    Guidance for managers and leaders

    Effective early years and childcare provision is paramount for ensuring positive outcomes for children's development and well-being. As leaders and managers, it's crucial to recognise the significance of providing high-quality care and education in early years settings. Here are some key points to consider: #EYFSStatutoryFramework

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    Importance of Effective Early Years and Childcare

    • Early years experiences significantly impact children's long-term outcomes, including educational achievement, social skills, and emotional resilience.
    • High-quality early years provision supports children's cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development, laying the foundation for future learning and success.
    • Effective childcare fosters a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment where children can thrive and reach their full potential. #EarlyYearsLearning
    Enhance your knowledge and skills with our comprehensive early years and childcare courses on ComplyPlus LMS™

      Implementing Effective Policies and Procedures

      • Stay updated with the latest legislation, regulations, and best practice recommendations, such as the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework and guidance from regulatory bodies like Ofsted.
      • Develop comprehensive policies and procedures that outline expectations, standards, and protocols for all aspects of childcare provision, including safeguarding, health and safety, and curriculum planning.
      • Ensure policies and procedures are accessible, regularly reviewed, and effectively communicated to staff, parents, and relevant stakeholders.
      • Provide ongoing training and support to staff to ensure understanding and implementation of policies and procedures in daily practice.
      • Foster a culture of continuous improvement, where feedback is welcomed and policies are adapted in response to changing needs and circumstances.

      By prioritising effective early years and childcare provision and implementing robust policies and procedures, leaders and managers can create environments where children can thrive and reach their full potential. #ChildcarePolicy

      Invest in your professional development with our online learning options for early years and childcare on ComplyPlus LMS™

      Early years and childcare policies and procedures

      Drafting comprehensive early years and childcare policies and procedures require thorough consideration of relevant UK legislation, regulations, and international standards to ensure legal compliance and high-quality provision. Begin by familiarising yourself with key documents such as the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, which sets standards for learning, development, and care in England.

      Address areas such as safeguarding, health and safety, staff qualifications and ratios, and curriculum planning in your policies and procedures. Ensure alignment with legislation such as the Childcare Act 2006 and its subsequent amendments, alongside guidance from regulatory bodies like Ofsted. Additionally, consider international standards such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) to ensure a child-centred approach. Regularly review and update policies to reflect changes in legislation and best practice recommendations, and provide comprehensive training to staff to ensure understanding and implementation in practice. #ChildcareProcedures

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      Unlocking potential: The crucial role of effective early years and childcare in the UK

      Effective early years and childcare provision lays the foundation for a child's future success. In the UK, ensuring high-quality care and education in early years settings is not just beneficial—it's essential. Let's delve into why early years and childcare matter, backed by key facts, legislation, and best practices. #NurseryTraining

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      Key facts and statistics

      • Research shows that high-quality early childhood education can lead to better academic performance, social skills, and economic outcomes later in life.
      • According to the Department for Education, around 94% of three- and four-year-olds in England accessed some form of early education in 2021.
      • However, disparities exist, with children from disadvantaged backgrounds less likely to access high-quality early years provision. 

        Legislation, regulations, and best practice

        • The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework sets standards for learning, development, and care in England, ensuring a consistent approach to early years provision.
        • Legislation such as the Childcare Act 2006 and Ofsted regulations govern early years settings, emphasising the importance of safeguarding, health and safety, and staff qualifications.
        • Best practices recommend a child-centred approach, promoting holistic development through play-based learning, effective communication, and strong partnerships with families.

        Importance of effective early years and childcare

        • Holistic Development: Quality early years provision supports children's cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development, preparing them for lifelong learning.
        • Equity and Inclusion: Access to high-quality early years education can reduce the attainment gap between disadvantaged and advantaged children, promoting social mobility and equity.
        • Parental Support: Early years settings provide vital support to families, offering guidance on child development, parenting strategies, and accessing additional services.


        Investing in effective early years and childcare is not just an investment in children's futures—it's an investment in society as a whole. By prioritising high-quality provision and ensuring alignment with legislation and best practices, we can unlock the full potential of every child.

        Discover how our comprehensive early years and childcare training courses can empower you to positively impact children's lives. Join us in shaping the future generation today! #PreschoolEducation

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        Frequently asked questions about early years and childcare elearning courses and training

        Here are 20 frequently asked questions (FAQs) about early years and childcare elearning courses and training and their answers.

        What is early years and childcare?

        Early years and childcare refer to providing education, care, and development opportunities for children from birth to the age of five.

        What is the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)?

        The EYFS is a framework that sets standards for learning, development, and care in early years settings in England, ensuring high-quality provision.

        What legislation governs early years and childcare in the UK?

        Key legislation includes the Childcare Act 2006 and subsequent amendments, which regulate early years provision, alongside guidance from regulatory bodies like Ofsted.

        What are the key responsibilities of early years practitioners?

        Early years practitioners support children's holistic development, implement the EYFS framework, safeguard children, and foster positive relationships with families.

        How does ComplyPlus LMS™ support early years and childcare providers?

        ComplyPlus LMS™ offers tailored training courses and resources designed to help early years providers comply with legislation, regulations, and best practices, ensuring high-quality provision.

        What qualifications do early years practitioners need?

        Early years practitioners typically hold qualifications such as the Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Workforce (Early Years Educator), alongside relevant training in safeguarding, first aid, and child development.

        What are the benefits of early years education for children?

        Early years education promotes cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development, preparing children for future learning and success in school and beyond.

        How do early years settings promote inclusion and diversity?

        Early years settings create inclusive environments by celebrating diversity, adapting activities to meet individual needs, and fostering positive attitudes towards differences.

        What is the role of parents in early years education?

        Parents play a crucial role in their child's early years education by providing support, engaging with the setting, and participating in their child's learning journey.

        How do early years settings ensure children's safety?

        Early years settings implement robust safeguarding policies and procedures, conduct risk assessments and ensure staff receive child protection and health and safety training.

        What is play-based learning and why is it important?

        Play-based learning is a child-centred approach that promotes learning through play, exploration, and discovery, fostering creativity, problem-solving skills, and social development.

        How do early years settings support children's physical development?

        Early years settings provide opportunities for physical activity, access to outdoor play spaces, and promote healthy eating habits to support children's physical development.

        What support is available for children with special educational needs (SEN) in early years settings?

        Early years settings offer tailored support and interventions for children with SEN, working in partnership with families and external agencies to meet individual needs.

        How do early years practitioners assess children's progress?

        Early years practitioners use various assessment methods, including observation, assessment tools, and tracking systems, to monitor children's development and plan the next steps.

        What should I look for when choosing an early years setting for my child?

        Look for settings with a nurturing environment, experienced and qualified staff, a stimulating curriculum, and effective communication with parents.

        How can I get involved in my child's early years education?

        Parents can get involved by attending parent meetings, volunteering in the setting, participating in activities, and communicating regularly with staff about their child's progress.

        What professional development opportunities are available for early years practitioners?

        Early years practitioners can access training courses, conferences, and workshops to enhance their skills and knowledge, ensuring continuous professional development.

        How do early years settings promote positive behaviour?

        Early years settings promote positive behavior through clear expectations, positive reinforcement, modeling, and teaching children emotional regulation skills.

        What should I do if I have concerns about my child's early years provision?

        If you have concerns, raise them with the setting's manager or designated safeguarding lead. If necessary, you can escalate concerns to regulatory bodies such as Ofsted.

        How can I stay updated on early years and childcare developments?

        Stay informed by following relevant professional organisations, subscribing to newsletters, attending training events, and regularly checking updates from regulatory bodies and government agencies. #EarlyYearsLeadership

        Find the perfect fit for your learning needs with our early years and childcare distance learning and online courses on ComplyPlus LMS™

        Why choose ComplyPlus LMS™?

        Choose ComplyPlus LMS™ for your early years and childcare training needs because we offer tailored courses designed to ensure compliance with UK legislation, regulations, and best practices, including the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. Our user-friendly platform provides convenient access to high-quality training materials, expert support, and certification, empowering you to deliver exceptional care and education to young children. Join us in shaping the future generation today! Click here to explore our courses now. #EarlyYearsInclusion

        Find the perfect fit for your learning needs with our early years and childcare distance learning and online courses on ComplyPlus LMS™

        Early Years and Childcare eLearning Courses & Training - ComplyPlus LMS™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

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