Develop and Maintain Professional Networks - Level 3 - CPDUK Accredited

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    Develop and Maintain Professional Networks - Level 3 - Online Training Course - CPDUK Accredited.

    Develop and Maintain Professional Networks - CPDUK Accredited - The Mandatory Training Group UK

    Welcome to The Mandatory Training Group's online Develop and Maintain Professional Networks training course. All our online training courses, programmes and qualifications are accredited by the CPD Certification Service (CPDUK).

    Networking plays a significant role in both social and professional success. Thus, it is vital to understand the role and significance of interpersonal skills in networking needs.

    This online Develop and Maintain Professional Networks training course aims to develop learners' knowledge and skills on the role of social networks and the internet in business networking, alongside the advantages and disadvantages of joining networks for their potential mutual benefits.

    Course content

    This online Develop and Maintain Professional Networks training course includes the following:

    • Introduction
    • Chapter 1 - What is networking?
    • Chapter 2 - Lead generation
    • Module summary.

            Who is the course for?

            This online Develop and Maintain Professional Networks training course is suitable for the following:

            • Supervisors
            • Managers.

              Course aims

              The aims of this online Develop and Maintain Professional Networks training course are to:

              • Develop learners' knowledge on the role of the social network and internet in business networking.
              • Enhance your skills to become more confident in creating rapport and build trust with networks. 
              • Understand the role of conflict management in relationships.

                Learning objectives

                On completion of this  Develop and Maintain Professional Networks eLearning course, the learner will be able to:

                • Identify influencing and persuading skills needed for professional networking.
                • Demonstrate the basis of choosing networks  for long-term relationships.
                • Explain the importance of following up leads and how to promote your own skills, knowledge and experience with network members.

                  Learning outcomes

                  On completion of this Develop and Maintain Professional Networks e-learning course, the learner will be able to:

                  • Explain the principles of effective networking.
                  • Identify professional networks for development.
                  • List the benefits and limitations of maintaining professional networks. 
                  • Use the internet to maintain professional networks.
                  Develop and Maintain Professional Networks - The Mandatory Training Group UK

                  Develop and Maintain Professional Networks - Level 3 - Online Training Course - CPDUK Accredited.


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