This online safeguarding adults for homecare level 3 course covers the following:
- Overview of safeguarding within the homecare context, setting the stage for deeper learning.
Types of abuse in adults:
- Detailed exploration of physical, emotional, financial, and sexual abuse, including legal definitions and recognisable signs.
Key legislation:
- Comprehensive review of adult safeguarding laws and regulations, including the Care Act 2014 and Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006.
Assessing the risk of harm:
- Techniques for identifying and evaluating risks to adults in homecare settings.
Effective communication:
- Strategies for clear and sensitive communication with adults at risk, including those with communication impairments.
Actions to take following safeguarding concerns:
- Step-by-step procedures for responding to suspicions or evidence of abuse or neglect.
Reviewing safeguarding practice:
- Methods for auditing and improving safeguarding practices within a care organisation.
Effective safeguarding supervision:
- Guidance on providing supervisory support to staff managing safeguarding cases.
Safeguarding meetings and enquiries:
- Protocols for conducting and contributing to safeguarding meetings and formal enquiries.
- Recapitulation of key points and preparation for the assessment.
References and resources:
- Curated list of further reading and resources to expand knowledge beyond the course content.
End of module assessment:
- Evaluation designed to test comprehension and application of course material.