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Key facts and statistics
- According to the NSPCC, children as young as 0-5 can exhibit sexualised behaviour, with around 1 in 20 exhibiting concerning behaviours.
- Research by the Early Intervention Foundation highlights the importance of early intervention in addressing sexualised behaviour to prevent escalation.
- A study published in the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse underscores the impact of early years experiences on future behaviour and mental health outcomes.
Key definitions
- Sexualised behaviour - Actions or words that involve sexual content, such as touching private parts or making sexually explicit comments, inappropriate for the child's age.
- Normal exploration - A developmentally appropriate exploration of one's body or curiosity about others' bodies without sexual intent.
- Consent - The voluntary agreement to engage in a particular activity, informed and given without coercion.
Relevant legislation, regulations, and best practice
- Children Act 1989 - Requires early years settings to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, including protection from sexual abuse.
- Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) - Set out safeguarding and welfare requirements for early years providers, emphasising the importance of preventing harm and promoting children's welfare.
- Ofsted safeguarding and welfare requirements - Mandates that early years settings have robust policies and procedures in place to safeguard children from harm, including sexual abuse.
- NSPCC's managing sexualised behaviour in children - Offers guidance and resources for early years practitioners on identifying, responding to, and managing sexualised behaviour in young children.
Recognising sexualised behaviour
Early years practitioners must differentiate between normal exploration and sexualised behaviour. Signs may include age-inappropriate sexual knowledge, explicit language, or aggressive sexual play.
Prevention and intervention strategies
- Education and awareness - Provide staff training on recognising and responding to sexualised behaviour sensitively and effectively.
- Promoting healthy relationships - Teach children about boundaries, consent, and respect through age-appropriate activities and discussions.
- Early intervention - Address concerning behaviours promptly through appropriate interventions, involving parents and external agencies as necessary.
Creating a safe environment
- Physical environment - Ensure privacy in toileting and changing areas and supervise children during personal care routines.
- Policy and procedures - Develop and implement clear safeguarding policies and procedures, including reporting mechanisms for staff and parents.
- Regular staff training - Equip staff with the knowledge and skills to identify and address sexualised behaviour sensitively.
- Partnership with parents - Foster open communication with parents to share concerns, seek consent for interventions, and provide support.
- Continuous review - Regularly review policies and procedures to ensure they remain effective and up-to-date with current best practices.
Managing sexualised behaviour in early years settings is vital for promoting the safety and well-being of young children. By understanding the signs, adhering to legislation and best practices, and implementing proactive measures, we can create environments where children feel safe, respected, and supported in their development.
Click here to explore our comprehensive training and support on safeguarding in early years settings.Together, let's ensure the safety and well-being of every child in our care.
About the author
Anne Rodgers
Anne has over 40 years of experience in the early years sector including owning and managing a chain of nurseries, lecturing and assessing and writing books, blogs and courses on early years. She is a real advocate for continual professional development so that early years staff remain current in their job roles and have the knowledge to help them provide high quality care and education to young children.