Pharmaceutical society of Northern Ireland role

The role of the pharmaceutical society of Northern Ireland

Pharmacy is a vital part of the healthcare system, and pharmacists are entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring the safe supply and use of medicines. The PSNI is the regulatory authority that governs the pharmacy profession in Northern Ireland, overseeing pharmacists' registration, education, and practice standards. In this blog, Dr Richard Dune delves into understanding the role and functions of PSNI, which is essential for healthcare providers and pharmacy professionals to ensure compliance and uphold the quality of care.

Key facts and statistics

  • Establishment - The Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland was established in 1925.
  • Membership - There are over 2,700 registered pharmacists in Northern Ireland.
  • Inspections - PSNI conducts routine inspections of pharmacies to ensure compliance with regulatory standards.
  • Complaints - In 2020, PSNI received over 50 complaints regarding pharmacy practices, highlighting the importance of regulatory oversight.

Key definitions

  • Regulation - The process of creating and enforcing rules and standards to ensure safety, efficacy, and quality in the provision of pharmacy services.
  • Registration - The official process by which pharmacists are recognised and authorised to practice in Northern Ireland.
  • Compliance - Adherence to laws, regulations, and standards set forth by regulatory bodies such as the PSNI.

The role and functions of the PSNI

Regulation and registration

PSNI is responsible for registering pharmacists in Northern Ireland. This process ensures that only qualified individuals who meet the educational and professional requirements can practice. The registration process involves:

  • Verification of educational qualifications
  • Assessment of professional competence
  • Continued professional development (CPD) requirements.

Standards and guidelines

PSNI sets and enforces standards for pharmacy practice. These standards are designed to ensure that pharmacists provide safe, effective, and patient-centred care. The key areas covered include:

  • Clinical governance - Ensuring that pharmacy services meet high-quality standards.
  • Patient safety - Implementing measures to prevent medication errors and adverse drug reactions.
  • Professional conduct - Upholding ethical standards and addressing professional misconduct.

Inspections and compliance

Routine inspections are a critical function of PSNI. These inspections assess whether pharmacies comply with regulatory standards and guidelines. Key aspects of inspections include:

  • Premises standards - Ensuring that the physical environment of pharmacies is safe and suitable for providing healthcare services.
  • Record keeping - Verifying that accurate records of prescriptions, dispensing, and patient consultations are maintained.
  • Medicines management - Assessing the proper storage, handling, and dispensing of medicines.

Handling complaints and disciplinary actions

PSNI investigates complaints against pharmacists and pharmacy services. The complaints process involves:

  • Investigation - Thorough examination of the complaint and gathering of evidence.
  • Hearing - Conducting hearings to determine the validity of the complaint. 
  • Disciplinary action - Imposing sanctions or corrective measures if necessary.

Recommended best practices for compliance

To ensure compliance with PSNI regulations and standards, pharmacy professionals should adopt the following best practices:

  • Continuous Professional Development (CPD) - Pharmacists must engage in ongoing education and training to maintain their competence. CPD activities should be documented and submitted to PSNI as part of the re-registration process.
  • Adherence to clinical guidelines - Following clinical guidelines and protocols ensures that pharmacists provide evidence-based care. Familiarity with guidelines from PSNI and other relevant bodies is essential.
  • Effective communication - Clear and effective communication with patients and healthcare professionals is crucial. Pharmacists should provide comprehensive medication counselling and ensure patients understand their treatment plans.
  • Robust record keeping - Maintaining accurate and detailed records is a legal requirement. Proper documentation of prescriptions, patient interactions, and clinical decisions helps ensure accountability and traceability.
  • Regular self-audits - Pharmacies should conduct regular self-audits to assess compliance with regulatory standards. Proactively identifying and addressing potential issues can prevent regulatory breaches.


The Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland is indispensable in ensuring the safety and quality of pharmacy services in Northern Ireland. By regulating pharmacists' registration, standards, and conduct, PSNI helps maintain public trust and promotes the best possible patient outcomes.

Pharmacy professionals must adhere to PSNI's regulations and best practices. Ensure compliance and excellence with ComplyPlus™ software, offering comprehensive support in meeting requirements. Click here to stay up-to-date and stay compliant with our training, resources, and tools.

About the author

Dr Richard Dune

With over 20 years of experience, Richard blends a rich background in NHS, the private sector, academia, and research settings. His forte lies in clinical R&D, advancing healthcare tech, workforce development and governance. His leadership ensures regulatory compliance and innovation align seamlessly.

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