Year 7 adventures: Fun with experiments, games, and forming bonds

Year 7 adventures: Fun with experiments, games, and forming bonds - J.T Dune -

Image by AnnaStills via Envato Elements

Hey everyone! It’s Jaden here, and today, I’m sharing all about my second full day at senior school. It was fun and a busy day, so let’s get into it!

Discover fun experiments for Year 7: A journey through Chemistry and learning - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by Wavebreakmedia via Envato Elements

Chemistry experiments – So much fun!

The day kicked off with English, which was alright, but then came Chemistry, and it was awesome! On just the second day, we got to do experiments. Can you believe it? We did about nine different experiments, including working with acids and copper. One of the coolest ones was the hydro balloon experiment. I think Chemistry is going to be one of my favourite subjects for sure!

Drama games and double games

After Chemistry, we had Drama, where we played games to build confidence. One of the games was called “Splat,” and I managed to place fifth out of 20! Not bad, right? We also played “Time Bomb,” which was a lot of fun too.

Next up was Double Games, where we were split into groups. Surprisingly, I was placed in the better group, even though I thought I’d be in the lower one. There’s even a chance I might join the Year 7 rugby team! How cool is that?

Year 7 games and activities Building confidence and forming bonds - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by yanishevskaanna via Envato Elements

Senior school transition tips Navigating Year 7 with fun and friends - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by Media_photos via Envato Elements

Making new friends and settling in

I’m also starting to make some new friends. One of them is Ben, a nice guy I chatted with during lessons. The campus is huge, and I’m still getting used to it, but I’m feeling more settled as the days go by. The lines at break are really long, but apart from that, I’m enjoying school so far.

Lunch was pretty exciting too. We had freshly baked pizza bread with chips and beans. It was a bit oily, but so good I could eat it every day!

Overall, it was a great day, and I’m really starting to enjoy senior school. I can’t wait to see what happens next, especially with the chance of joining the rugby team. I’ll keep you all posted on more of my adventures at school!

Chemistry experiments – So much fun!

Discover fun experiments for Year 7: A journey through Chemistry and learning - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by Wavebreakmedia via Envato Elements

The day kicked off with English, which was alright, but then came Chemistry, and it was awesome! On just the second day, we got to do experiments. Can you believe it? We did about nine different experiments, including working with acids and copper. One of the coolest ones was the hydro balloon experiment. I think Chemistry is going to be one of my favourite subjects for sure!

Drama games and double games

Year 7 games and activities Building confidence and forming bonds - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by yanishevskaanna via Envato Elements

After Chemistry, we had Drama, where we played games to build confidence. One of the games was called “Splat,” and I managed to place fifth out of 20! Not bad, right? We also played “Time Bomb,” which was a lot of fun too.

Next up was Double Games, where we were split into groups. Surprisingly, I was placed in the better group, even though I thought I’d be in the lower one. There’s even a chance I might join the Year 7 rugby team! How cool is that?

Making new friends and settling in

Senior school transition tips Navigating Year 7 with fun and friends - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by Media_photos via Envato Elements

I’m also starting to make some new friends. One of them is Ben, a nice guy I chatted with during lessons. The campus is huge, and I’m still getting used to it, but I’m feeling more settled as the days go by. The lines at break are really long, but apart from that, I’m enjoying school so far.

Lunch was pretty exciting too. We had freshly baked pizza bread with chips and beans. It was a bit oily, but so good I could eat it every day!

Overall, it was a great day, and I’m really starting to enjoy senior school. I can’t wait to see what happens next, especially with the chance of joining the rugby team. I’ll keep you all posted on more of my adventures at school!

Year 7 student experiences: A day of experiments, games, and new friends - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

I’ll keep you all posted on more of my adventures at school!

Thanks for reading!


Transition to Secondary School: Year 6 Highlights and Reflections - The Mandatory Training Group UK -