An unforgettable Jane Goodall experience at Solihull School

An unforgettable Jane Goodall experience in the Solihull School - J.T Dune -

Image by Wavebreakmedia via Envato Elements

Hello world! Guess who’s back with another amazing blog; this time, it is memorable!

Jane Goodall Inspires Students at Solihull School An Unforgettable Encounter - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by seventyfourimages via Envato Elements

The waiting on the screens

Getting on the coach with my best buddies in the eco-club to the Solihull School, we talked about how cool and awesome this experience would be! Also, while we were waiting, a Simpson clip showed up on the screens with Lisa Simpson being inspired by Jane Goodall (which was not surprising since Lisa loves to read about animals and always gets straight).

Lights out and the big reveal!

When the lights turned off and the door suddenly opened, it was time to shine. It was nail-biting, exciting, and even unreal because she was a celebrity. This is only the second time I have met a celebrity in person, so it is still new to me.

Solihull School Presents Conservationist Jane Goodall's Inspiring Journey - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by Rawpixel via Envato Elements

Discover the World of Chimpanzee Research with Jane Goodall at Solihull School - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by monkeybusiness via Envato Elements

Her stories and adventures!

Jane Goodall was jam-packed with adventures and facts along the way! She told us this cool story about rescuing chimpanzees and how badly treated they were: they were hunted for meat and caged for zoos and circuses, and how one of the chimpanzees eventually became a mother!

The four fantastic facts

  • Jane Goodall has one kid (A son).
  • Surprisingly, Jane Goodall's favourite animal is a dog.
  • Jane Goodall adopted a vegan diet in 2015 after realising that eating meat damages wildlife by releasing Methane Gases in its waste.
  • Jane Goodall is one of eight people accepted to study at Cambridge without a degree.
Solihull School Promotes Environmental Advocacy through Jane Goodall's Work - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by mohdizzuanbinroslan via Envato Elements

The waiting on the screens

Jane Goodall Inspires Students at Solihull School An Unforgettable Encounter - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by seventyfourimages via Envato Elements

Getting on the coach with my best buddies in the eco-club to the Solihull School, we talked about how cool and awesome this experience would be! Also, while we were waiting, a Simpson clip showed up on the screens with Lisa Simpson being inspired by Jane Goodall (which was not surprising since Lisa loves to read about animals and always gets straight).

Lights out and the big reveal!

Solihull School Presents Conservationist Jane Goodall's Inspiring Journey - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by Rawpixel via Envato Elements

When the lights turned off and the door suddenly opened, it was time to shine. It was nail-biting, exciting, and even unreal because she was a celebrity. This is only the second time I have met a celebrity in person, so it is still new to me.

Her stories and adventures!

Discover the World of Chimpanzee Research with Jane Goodall at Solihull School - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by monkeybusiness via Envato Elements

Jane Goodall was jam-packed with adventures and facts along the way! She told us this cool story about rescuing chimpanzees and how badly treated they were: they were hunted for meat and caged for zoos and circuses, and how one of the chimpanzees eventually became a mother!

The four fantastic facts

Solihull School Promotes Environmental Advocacy through Jane Goodall's Work - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by mohdizzuanbinroslan via Envato Elements

  • Jane Goodall has one kid (A son).
  • Surprisingly, Jane Goodall's favourite animal is a dog.
  • Jane Goodall adopted a vegan diet in 2015 after realising that eating meat damages wildlife by releasing Methane Gases in its waste.
  • Jane Goodall is one of eight people accepted to study at Cambridge without a degree.
Creating a Sustainable Future at Solihull School: Jane Goodall's Message - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

So, that wraps up this blog; catch ya in my next blog!

